Ormond Cricket Club's Policy For Safeguarding Children And Young People
Ormond Cricket Club wholeheartedly and unreservedly endorses and complies withCricket Victoria Child Safeguarding and Member Protection Policies for Affiliated Associations and Clubs and abides by the Cricket Cricket Victoria Child Safeguarding and Member Protection Policy including the codes of behaviour for Australian Cricket Personnel. First commitment was made at the committee meeting held 21st August 2019, re-affirmed 21st October 2020, 11th October 2021, 27th September 2022 and further re-affirmed at the special committee meeting held Wednesday 11th September 2024 (see image).

Please note the following excerpt from the Minutes held 11th September 2024:-
"Proposed, accepted and adopted at the committee meeting held 11th September 2024 that the Ormond Cricket Club does endorse and adopt the Australian Cricket’s Policy for Safeguarding Children and Young People, Australian Cricket’s ‘Looking After Our Kids’ Code of Behaviour for Affiliated Associations and Clubs, and Australian Cricket’s Commitment to Safeguarding Children and Young People, effective as at 11th September, 2024.
Further, I, John Patrick Camm, as President of the Ormond Cricket Club 2024-25, do confirm that Ormond Cricket Club has fully adopted the Child Safety Framework (CSF) and will follow all aspects of the CSF in all future club activities."
Further details available:-
Below are links to the relevant documents:-
- 2024 Member Protection Policy
- Child Safety Commitment Statement-current
- Cricket Victoria Complaints and Resolution Policy (includes templates for submitting complaint)
- Ormond Cricket Club's Endorsed Australian Cricket Policy for Safeguarding Children and Young People
- Ormond Cricket Club's ‘Looking After Our Kids’ Code of Behaviour for Affiliated Associations and Clubs
- Interview questions when recruiting
Additionally, below are documents to be completed and returned to childsafety@ormondcc.com.au upon appointment for all new members of committee, team managers, coaches and other individuals who may have interaction with young people or children
Individual members will be required to complete these forms for compliance with the Looking After Our Kids policy and Code of Behaviour
- Parent Guardian Transport Approval Form (Downloadable) (Parental Permission must be sought for ANY transport (of juniors), that are Non-Parental/guardian, both within junior and senior fixtures)
- Downloadable Declaration for completion by Coaches Volunteers Committee etc
- Image Consent and Release Form (Parental Permission must be sought for photographs and/or their display of any juniors)
- Working with Children Check Information (Working with Children Certificate must be gained for all those who assist/engage in 3+ games with Juniors, e.g. committee, coaches, TMs, Captains - copies to be sent to childsafety@ormondcc.com.au. Those who already hold a WWC must login and update their MyCheck Account to include Ormond Cricket Club as an Organisation - Use PO Box 57 Ormond 3204 and 0414 348 259)
Other Resources and Information:-
Further information on Member Protection and
Member Protection Information Officers across Australian Cricket
Play By the Rules
Play By the Rules Child
Protection Online Course
Below is information for anyone with any queries or concerns regarding any incident, disclosure or suspicions regarding child abuse in any

E E Gunn Reserve Pavillion Evacuation Diagram
30773-EE-Gunn-Reserve-Football-Stand-and-Pavillion-v4.pdf EVACUATION DIAGRAM FROM E E GUNN PAVILLION